INK: Fine Lines (Book 1) Read online

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  “I’m here to protect her from syphilis-infested crotch pheasants. Oh look, first one of the day.” Aiden motions for her to leave.

  “Oh my God, would you two stop.” My head is pounding; the last thing I need is these two going at it. I take one of the lattes from Trish. “I’ve been a little occupied; you know, murder and shit.”

  Aiden picks up a magazine off the coffee table, heading for the restroom. “I’ll be in the oval office. I have to take a ‘Trish.’ Back in ten.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Aiden.” She turns to me, pleading. “Shay, seriously?”

  I shrug and let the coffee do its work. It’s only good because it’s right here, now. I drink it down even though it’s some non-fat triple soy vegan latte that would do more good in the form of an enema. “What are you doing here so early?”

  Trish blows out an exasperated breath. “Because it was easier for me drive the four minutes from my house then it was for me to try to send you another text you won’t answer.”

  I hang my head in shame. “Trish, I’m really sorry. It just really has been a total cluster-fuck.”

  Trish pushes a halfhearted smile into her cheek. “I know honey.” Then, without taking a breath, she continues, “You have to come into the office or Raphael is going to have an aneurism. The cops came in yesterday and cleared all of the original art pages out of your office. Raphael shit his jumpsuit.” Trish was emphatic. “He told me that if I didn’t show up with you today not to show up at all, so let’s get all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And put some makeup on, for fuck’s sake. You look like shit and there are reporters everywhere.”

  “I have to go to Eli’s for a meeting with my ‘legal team.’” I say it sarcastically.

  “Eli? Don’t you think you’d be better off with someone sober?” She takes a sip of her coffee. I wish it would burn her tongue. “Why do you keep fucking around with these two assholes, Shay? You could do better by accident.”

  “Not now, Trish.” I don’t need relationship advice from Trish. She’s twenty-one years old, has already been married four times, and is working her way backwards chronologically through all the guys she dated in high school. She says it ‘keeps her numbers down.’ She’s the last one I need trying to improve my decision tree.

  “Don’t deny they weren’t both here on your birthday. I saw their cars. What was all that bullshit about just wanting to be alone?” She points at me with her coffee stirrer like it’s the sword of truth.

  “It’s not what you think, and it’s a longer story than I want to get into,” I say, knowing she isn’t going to leave this alone.

  “Was that your little birthday present to yourself, being in the middle of an Eli-Aiden sandwich?” Her mouth pulls to the side in anticipation. “Uh-huh, the birthday girl took a little ride on the tricycle.” She nods her head knowingly.

  “Trish.” I toss a throw pillow in her direction. “That’s disgusting.”

  “Right,” she deadpans.

  “Why don’t you just head into the office? I’ll be there after my meeting.”

  Aiden emerges from the restroom. “Oh Jesus, Trish, you’d better hurry. I just flushed your twin down the toilet.”

  Trish rolls her eyes. “Fine, I’ve had enough of needle-dick anyway.” She gets up and clickety-clacks to the door. “Promise me you’ll come in! Don’t forget you have Tampa tomorrow.”

  “I promise.” I put my hand up in the Boy Scout honor sign—or at least I think that’s what it is. Aiden just gives her the finger.

  “I’ll see you at the office—and oh, Aiden.” She pauses, waiting for him to acknowledge her. When he doesn’t, she continues, “I hope your nuts get caught in a blender.”

  “I’m not fucking your mom anymore, so I should be fine.” He walks into the kitchen, dismissing her.

  Trish shakes her head at me. “I really don’t get what you see in him.” She swings the door closed as she leaves. I think my house just breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Aiden, can’t you make an effort to get along with her?” I’m frustrated; they have never gotten along. It’s always been like that between them. They both have issues with how the other treats me. It’s like they’re fighting over whose bitch I am. My friendship with Trish is usually one-sided, all about Trish. Aiden has seen me upset about her as many times she’s seen me upset about him. Come to think of it, if they were ever nice to each other I think I would worry what was wrong.

  “I did, just then.” Aiden comes around the corner, chewing on a piece of toast.

  “You call that getting along?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t shoot her.” Aiden smiles and shrugs like I should be proud.

  I roll my eyes and shake my head. “I’m taking a shower.” I head for the bathroom, hoping the smell has dissipated.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I Object


  We arrive at Eli’s house, late. I know he’ll be irritated. Dad’s here and there are three other cars in the driveway, one of which likely cost more than my house. Aiden knocks once before letting himself in. There is already a high-powered powwow happening in Eli’s living room. I recognize everyone. I’ve known Jason since I was a kid, and I’ve seen Bob at barbecues and one of two engagement parties—my engagement parties. I don’t see Eli.

  “Good morning honey.” Dad gets up to give me a hug. He glares at Aiden. “You couldn’t get her here on time?”

  “Not without needing a lawyer myself. The reporters were so thick we had a really hard time getting out of there.” Aiden’s tone is defensive.

  “It was pretty bad trying to get out. They wouldn’t even let us pull out of the driveway. Aiden had to engage the four wheel drive and take us out through the field.” I take up Aiden’s cause. No sense in letting him take a ration of shit for my problems. I still feel bad about marring his neck last night.

  Jason greets me with a consolation smile, offering his hand. “Hey Shay, how are you.” Oh save me, he’s giving me the ‘poor pitiful girl’ head-tilt. I’m either really screwed or Eli has already given him the ‘she’s so fragile’ speech.

  “I’m good, Jason, how are you?” I answer, looking around for Eli.

  “I’m fine, thanks; you’ve met Bob Garner right?” Jason motions to Bob.

  “Yes, we’ve met. I think I’ve met everyone in the office.” I smile. “Where’s Eli?”

  “He’s in his office.” Dad motions through the French doors. Eli’s standing at his desk. He looks alert today, as if he got some sleep and a shower. He’s wearing his attorney uniform: hair slicked back, white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a red tie. He’s on the phone when he notices me. He flashes me that melt-in-your-mouth smile and nods.

  Jason studies Aiden’s face. “What happened to you?”

  “Cut myself shaving.” Aiden smiles, putting his hand on his neck.

  “What were you shaving with, a machete?” Dad asks.

  “Something like that.” Aiden walks into the kitchen to end the line of questioning, but the suspicious looks they are all exchanging don’t stop.

  The menfolk continue their conversation, pouring over stacks of papers for a while. They go on talking like I’m not in the room. I’m not even sure why I’m here. They apparently don’t need my input. I clear my throat a few times and get nary a glance. “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.”

  I head into Eli’s bedroom. I’m immediately assaulted by a toxic cloud of perfume. I round the corner into the bathroom and bump into two giant breasts. There she is, with her long blonde hair and her skin tone telling the story of a cheap spray-on tan.

  I am utterly astounded, no pun intended. She lets out a high-pitched squeal, like a bunny when you choke it. “You must be Shay. I’m Taffy.” She holds out her hand, arching her back unnaturally. I’m so stunned I can’t take her hand. All I can do is stand there staring at Eli’s new conquest, with the big orange letters ‘Wingers’ across her unnaturally large chest—figures. Those so cannot be real. I st
udy her hard, half-expecting to find staple holes on her from the men’s magazine she was ripped out of.

  She shakes her head as if to brush off my rebuke, then continues to apply way too much makeup.

  “Yeah, I’m Shay. I need to use the restroom.” So leave already.

  “Oh sure.” She steps aside but doesn’t leave the bathroom. It figures. She’s one of those freaks that thinks peeing is a bonding experience. I give her a look, hoping she gets it. But it’s too much to ask of the brain cell she’s nursing. “A little privacy please?”

  She jumps to attention. “Oh, sorry.” She steps outside the door and I close it behind her. I can’t process this betrayal from Eli. The latte from earlier is raging at the back of my throat. I look in the mirror at myself. Dark circles are still apparent under the concealer I dabbed around my eyes. To add insult to injury, she’s still talking to me through the door.

  “I’ve heard so much about you, Shay…” She drones on while I wash my hands. I open the door and she floods the room with herself, continuing to talk. “You know, I could give you some make-up tips.” She pauses, looking at me in the mirror. “I mean, I see you’ve got this whole ‘I don’t care about my looks’ thing going on, but we could really highlight your features; you have nice cheekbones.”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” I can’t help but stare at her blankly for a minute. She’s just not Eli’s type. He likes intelligent conversation, so a vapid cheerleader who slings her tits for tips doesn’t seem his speed. Or maybe I just don’t know what his type is.

  “It’s the least I could do, it would be totally fun. We already share so much, I mean, we’ve both been bitten by the ‘Walker bug.’” She winks at me while applying a thick coat of lip gloss.

  Holy shit; there must be lead in the ink on those perfume samples she rubs all over herself. She actually thinks this an acceptable topic of conversation. I can only stare at her with incredulity. I finally shake free from the grasp of fatuity before I lose another IQ point from breathing the same air.

  I go back to the war room, where there are a few different conversations happening. I listen intently and occasionally pick up words that I’ve heard on TV or from Eli like ‘probable cause’ and ‘reasonable doubt.’ I need to do something to take my mind off Eli’s skank in the bathroom.

  Aiden maneuvers around Jason to take up my flank. “They’re going to take good care of you, Shay. I’d stake my life on it.”

  “I hope so, because it’s actually my life.” I look at him with apologetic eyes. “About last night–”

  He cuts me off. “It’s fine, no need to apologize.”

  “I’m just really feeling the pressure of all of this. It’s getting to be too much.” I wasn’t going to apologize, but I change my mind because he looks so pitiful.

  Aiden wraps his hand around mine. “I’m in this with you. I’m here for you.”

  The corner of my mouth curves up in a weak smile. “Thanks, Aiden.” This conversation isn’t over. I have some things left to say.

  He leans into my ear. “I promise everything is going to be all right.” His breath lingers, and he presses a gentle kiss on my cheek as he pulls away from me. We sit and he doesn’t release my hand.

  Eli emerges from his office and notices Aiden and me holding hands. After a pause he presses out, “Morning.”

  I just nod, barely regarding Eli. I can’t even look at him. Aiden puts his arm around me. “Hey brother.”

  Eli’s expression visibly sours at Aiden. He turns to Jason. “I’m set. I told Sharon that your discovery request was to be a priority.” Dad flashes him a cautious look.

  “So, what’s the deal? Am I going to jail, prison, or the electric chair?” I just come right out and ask. I’d like this meeting to be over.

  “Shay, what we are looking at presently is a lot of circumstantial evidence. At this point there is no physical evidence to link you to the crime scene other than your drawings.” Jason looks straight at me “Our next step is to determine if they are going to find anything. It’s important that if there is anything, we know about it.”

  He pauses for moment. I see the gears turning in his head, pondering his approach. I’m hoping for direct, and that’s what I get. “Shay, will they find anything that can link you to this crime scene? Are we going to have any surprises when they complete the investigation?”

  “No Jason. I didn’t have anything to do with this. It’s all a really horrible coincidence,” I plead.

  “We’re going to need a full account of your whereabouts for the entire day and a list of people that you were with.”

  “I can do that.” My backpack has been buzzing incessantly since I arrived. It’s like Raphael and Trish are tag-teaming my phone.

  “We obviously can’t predict the outcome of any case, but I think we can clear your name pretty quickly. But we need you to be on your best behavior. No outbursts. Lay low.” He burns a look into me like I need instruction on how to act. Yeah, I probably do.

  “I have my tour coming up, so laying low may be a challenge. But I always behave well.” I smile. “I leave Friday for L.A., but I’ll be back by Monday. Then I’m in New York the following week.”

  “Cancel your travel plans. You can’t leave the state.” Bob leans forward.

  “What do you mean? I can’t cancel; I have to be there.” I’m feeling one of those outbursts they are talking about coming on right now. “There’s an entire press junket scheduled. I’ve been booked on the hottest paranormal shows.” I’m glad I’m not standing, otherwise I’m sure I would have stomped my feet by now.

  “It would look bad, and you need to be available for questioning at any time. If you’re arrested it will also prove difficult to secure bail for you if you’re jet-setting all over the place; they’ll consider you a flight risk.” Eli offers.

  “You should postpone your tour and the release of this comic.” Jason cringes at his words.

  “Bail? What do you mean bail?” All of my nerves simultaneously rattle. I barely heard the part about postponing everything. My stupid phone is buzzing again.

  Eli glances at Dad, then me. “I’m pretty sure they’re going to get this case to the grand jury ASAP. If I were prosecuting I would try to do it by the end of the week.”

  “What does that mean?” I’m not an attorney, for Christ’s sake.

  “That means they are going to ‘test’ whether or not they have enough to charge you with the crime.” Bob chimes in.

  “It’s nothing to worry about until they make a decision. There isn’t anything we can do, but you need to be available if they want to speak with you or bring you in.” Jason looks around the room for someone to say something to wipe the terror from my face.

  Eli excuses himself to answer the phone ringing in his office.

  “Really, it’s just…” Bob halts mid-sentence as Taffy crests the doorway. All the men in the room stop breathing. “Well, hello there,” Bob grunts.

  Taffy walks up behind the loveseat where I’m sitting. Aiden is trying so hard not to gawk at her, but all the men in the room have their mouths hanging open. She tests Aiden’s resolve when she leans down, resting her breast on his shoulder between us. Aiden looks at me, his eyes gloss over and he doesn’t blink. “Here you go honey. This should help you with your look. It will be a huge improvement.” She’s careful to rub her breast along Aiden’s cheek as she backs away.

  Clever girl; perhaps I misjudged her. I’m still in shock, holding the sample bag of makeup in my hand. I survey the ocean of testosterone staring at Taffy’s boobs. I look at my Dad, hoping to find an ally in him, but even he can’t take his eyes off of her. “Dad!” I scold.

  Dad looks away fast. “Oh…ah… Sorry, Doodlebug.”

  Taffy lets out a giggle. “Thanks, ‘Doodlebug,’ I get that all the time. Well, I’m off to work. If you boys get hungry, come see me for lunch.” She blows a kiss to the entire room and flits out the door.

  I’m boiling in bile. “Doodlebug?” Who t
he hell does she think she is? Walking in here like that. Slut.

  Aiden still hasn’t blinked and is trying to look at me without turning his head. “What the hell?”

  “Taffy, Eli’s tramp.” I say out loud, then lowering my voice, I lean into Aiden. “You know, since I’m trapped in some B-movie nightmare, would it be too much to ask for the buxom blonde to get it next?”

  “Shayleigh!” Dad scolds.

  “You heard that?” I look at him covering my mouth in mock surprise. “Oops.”

  Jason turns to me. “Shay, that’s the kind of outburst I’m talking about.”

  I laugh a little, rolling my eyes. “That wasn’t an outburst.”

  Aiden shakes his head in agreement. “No, that definitely wasn’t an outburst.”

  My phone is burning up in my bag. I think it may cause a fire if I don’t turn it off. I pull it out and see the multitude of texts from Trish and Raphael. “Is there anything else? I really have to get in to work.”

  “No, just stay available, lay low, and I think it’s probably best that you are not alone.” Jason steeples his fingers against his lips. “If you aren’t with Aiden, be with your Dad; if you aren’t with your Dad, be with Eli. You need to have your whereabouts accounted for at all times.”

  Dad leans forward in his seat. “Shayleigh, the pattern of this killer is to kill by threes. We’re expecting there to be two more murders within a month.”

  “So wait, I can’t be alone for a month?” I ask, hoping that my tone says all I need it to. The thought of having to be in constant contact with someone is daunting. I’ve enjoyed my solitude, reveled in it, and now I have to give it up. This just sucks.

  “Yes, it’s the only way we can be sure that if something happens you have a solid alibi,” Jason finishes.

  I pick up my backpack and look at Aiden, smiling. “Hey, want to go to Tampa?”

  “I’m already packed!” He stands, pulling out his keys. Jason pulls him in close and says something to him. I can’t hear it but I’m sure Aiden will tell me later.

  “Shay, what’s with the backpack?” Bob’s studying my bag.