INK: Fine Lines (Book 1) Read online

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A loud banging startles me awake. I open my eyes to see the empty spot in the bed. She probably locked herself out again. I smile, heading for the door.

  I’m surprised to find two uniformed police officers standing outside instead of Shay. I hold my hands up in mock surrender. “Mark, I swear it wasn’t me, I just got back.”

  “Hey Aiden,” Mark smiles, leaning in to give me a one-armed man-hug. “I’m not looking for you. I’m here to check on Shay.”

  “Did Eli send you?” That fucker probably sent him here to crash my party.

  “Yeah,” Mark answers.

  “He is such an asshole.” I shake my head in disbelief. He’s gotten craftier over the years. I’m going to have to remember that.

  “No man, it’s not like that. We’re working a crime scene down the street. Walker asked me to come down and check on her.” Mark says, looking around the room past me. “Is she here?”

  “Crime scene?” I’m more curious than concerned. “What happened?”

  “It’s pretty heinous; an old couple was tortured and drained in their garage.” Mark visibly cringes as he motions towards Gary and Alice’s house.

  “Gary and Alice? Jesus, sounds brutal.” I let them in and call for Shay with a hint of alarm in my voice. No answer. I go back to the bedroom and pull a shirt over my head and slip into my boots. I check the bathroom and the spare bedroom, calling for her.

  “Where is she?” Simmons asks, following me around the house.

  “She’s probably in her studio outside in the garage.” I brush by them on the way out the door.

  Both cops look at each other with concern at the mention of the garage. They follow behind me.

  Chapter Five

  Can I Show You My Etchings?


  Aiden bursts in the door, causing me to jump. A noticeable rush of relief washes over him when he sees me. He walks over and wraps his arms around me. “You’re okay.” He sighs heavily into my ear.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. What’s up with the cops?” I wriggle out of his hold, concern in my voice. “Oh hey Mark, how’ve you been?” I speak directly to the cop I recognize as Aiden’s friend. We’ve met before, unfortunately.

  They aren’t responding. They’re looking around the room, and then at each other, clearly unnerved. Most people are a little shocked when they first see this comic.

  “I…I’m okay, thanks.” Mark is stunned. “We’ll be right back.” He exchanges a knowing look with the other cop. Mark backs out of my studio, still studying the panels.

  “That was weird; what’s going on? Did you do something?” I eye Aiden suspiciously.

  Aiden presses his lip into a thin line. “You are always assuming the worst about me –” He’s cut off by the other officer walking back into the studio.

  “Hey, Officer Simmons wants to talk to you for minute.” He nods toward Aiden.

  “Sure, no problem.” Aiden gives me a quizzical look.

  I shrug. The other cop stays inside with me. He is notably uncomfortable. I fill the awkward silence. “Do you like comics?”

  “Some. I like Superman, Spiderman, stuff like that.” He rocks back and forth on his heels and glances back at the door.

  “So, what’s going on? Did Aiden do something?” I’ve always wondered if Aiden is running from the law, and that’s why he never sticks around for very long. They’ve finally caught up with him. Of course I know that can’t be what it is. Aiden knows everyone in this town and could never hide out anywhere.

  I can hear Aiden and Mark’s voices start to elevate. I look toward the door. “I’m going to see what’s going on with them.”

  “Ma’am, please just stay put.” He moves in front of the doorway. I don’t like that at all; a wave of claustrophobia washes over me.

  “Seriously, what’s going on?” I demand.

  “It’ll only be a moment. They’ll be right back and we can explain everything.” His tone is nervous but firm.

  The room is sodden with discomfort. Who does he think he is? I need to busy myself with something. I’ll get my pens and ink cleaned up. The cop is watching my every move. I collect the last panel I drew before they came in. I am rather satisfied with how well it turned out. I admire the new technique I tried where I smudge the ink with my fingers, adding a really cool effect to the blood.

  After I hang the panel I head to the sink to wash the red ink from my pen and fingertips. I turn to the cop to break the silence. “I really love this stuff, but it’s a real pain in the ass to get out. My fingers will be stained for days.” I wiggle my fingers at him, searching for a crack in his stoic stance. His eyes widen, betraying his horror.

  Aiden and Mark return. Aiden is visibly pissed off. “Mark, I’ll bring her down; you don’t have to do this.”

  “Aiden, we’ve talked about it. When I called it in they said they needed her now.” Mark is hesitant; I can tell he’s sizing Aiden up. There’s no way he could take Aiden in a fair fight.

  Wait, what? “Whoa, what did you say?”

  Aiden puts a hand up to me without looking in my direction. “I’ll bring her down; I’ll let her get ready and we’ll meet you there.”

  “No, Aiden. She needs to come with us.” Mark is apologetic but unwavering.

  “So are you arresting her?” Aiden snaps, getting in his face.

  ”Arresting who?” I think they are talking about me.

  “Aiden, it’s not that simple. They said they need her now, CSU is on the way here–”

  I cut Mark off right there. “Hey!” I yell, turning all eyes in the room on me. “What is going on?” I turn to Mark.

  “Mark, you’d better make damn sure you know what you’re doing.” Aiden moves even closer to Mark. “This is bullshit.”

  “I don’t want to arrest her. We just need to detain her for questioning,” Mark answers.

  Aiden comes and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Shay, the police want to question you about Gary and Alice.”

  “Yeah, I heard that.” The sarcasm was called for. “Why?” I break away from Aiden’s hold, walking around the drafting table toward Mark. The anxiety in the room doubles with each step I take toward the cops.

  “We will only arrest you if you don’t come with us.” Mark is trying calm me down, which is the most dangerous thing you can do to a pissed-off woman.

  “I have no problem answering your questions,” I say calmly. “I’ll be down at the station after I get dressed.” I’m trying so hard to be calm. I’ve seen those cop shows where the people ooze guilt and completely lose their mental bananas. I’m not going down like that.

  “For suspicion of murder,” Aiden says flatly as he turns me back around to face him.

  A nervous laugh rattles in my chest. “Murder? Who died?” Suddenly it dawns on me. “Is this some sick payback for beating you with the loofa last night? Because if it is, it’s not funny.”

  “No, Shay, you need to come with me now.” Mark reaches behind me putting his hand behind my back to guide me to the door.

  My world spins out of control, nothing makes sense. Everything is rapidly covered in a fog, like a bad dream. I follow Mark, my steps absent-minded. “Aiden, do something.” I plead with him like he can wave his hands and fix this. He just stands in the doorway, defeated. “Aiden!”

  Aiden follows us to the car. “Mark, you are making a mistake here, man. Just let me bring her down, you can follow us, please don’t make her get in the car.”

  Mark spins around to look Aiden in the eye. “Aiden, you didn’t see it. This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. They aren’t going to be making any exceptions on this one.” He pauses as though he’s recounting a nightmare. “Those drawings in there…” His voice trails off as he shakes his head.

  “No man, you’ve got it all wrong, this is what she does. She’s a comic book artist, not a murderer.” Aiden pleads.

  “I have to take her in. Meet us down there.” Mark opens the car door.

  “Aiden, why don’t you follow us down
to the station?” Mark pushes my head into the car.

  Aiden stands helpless in the driveway watching the police car take me away. He doesn’t blink. Until he turns and starts walking down the street. What the hell is he doing?

  The whole world has gone mad.


  At the police station my mind is racing. I cannot comprehend what is happening. It feels like I’m going to wake up any minute. But this feels different from a nightmare. I certainly know what they’re like, and this isn’t one of them.

  I look around the bare room; nothing but two chairs and an old metal table scarred by the criminals that have been locked in this room. I trace my finger along the deep scratches in the wood. Wondering how many times my dad questioned real murderers here. How many of these scratches on the table did he witness himself in thirty years as a cop?

  With each passing minute my nerves grow more on edge. I would pace the floor, but I don’t have any shoes on and this floor is positively filthy. This has to be some crazy mistake.

  Most people have a fight or flight reflex. I have a fight, flight, or “who do I need to call” reflex. I need to call my dad, where in the hell is Aiden? Think, Shay; who can you call? I mentally go through the contact list on my cell phone.

  Voices grow louder outside the door.

  Chapter Six

  Keep Away


  “Why can’t I go in, Mark? You said she wasn’t being arrested. If she’s just being questioned I should be able to go in,” I yell, as though volume will change Mark’s mind.

  “Because you can’t. Attorneys and cops only,” Mark answers. “You’re probably going to get kicked out of here into the hallway. You should really call one of your attorneys.”

  “Shay could not have murdered anyone, let alone her neighbors.” I protest, although she does wield a mean loofa.

  Eli appears in the doorway, completely disheveled. His face and hair are wet from the water he just splashed on himself to freshen up. Of course he’s been drinking again. I figured he would hit the bottle. I don’t fucking need him here; he’s just going to make things worse for her. No way am I letting that happen.

  “Eli!” I move toward him, putting both hands out in front of me and pushing him hard in the chest. Eli’s back slams into the wall. “Shit, you smell like a bar. That’s just what she needs right now.”

  Mark rushes to get between Eli and me. “Okay Aiden, that’s enough. I’m warning you, they will toss you outta here.”

  I shake Mark off and Eli stays leaning against the wall, his head visibly pounding from the hangover he’s nursing. He massages his temples and closes his eyes. “Simmons, explain to me why Shay was brought in for questioning? I asked you to check on her, not arrest her.”

  I turn to Mark, awaiting his answer. Mark takes a breath. “We got there and she wasn’t in the house; she was in the garage. When we went in she had drawings of the crime scene hung up on the walls. We called it in and they told us to bring her down to the station.”

  Eli walks to the window of the interrogation room. He shakes his head as he gazes in at Shay. I couldn’t stand to look at her in there anymore, but now I can’t help myself. She looks so frail and scared, with her knees pulled into her chest. The dark circles around her eyes wash out the brilliant blue they usually shine. It’s like she’s trying to hide behind the long dark hair hanging in front of half of her face.

  “She looks cold,” Eli whispers.

  “Of course she is! This asshole wouldn’t let her get dressed.” I tick my thumb toward Mark, getting pissed all over again.

  “Aiden, calm down. It isn’t his fault. He was just doing what he was told.” Eli locks both arms on the ledge of the window and expels a heavy breath.

  “How long until I can bring her home? Look at her; she’s losing it in there. You know she doesn’t do well confined. She didn’t get any sleep last night. She’s been here for hours and she hasn’t eaten anything.” I can’t stop pacing in the small observation room. I’m feeling as caged as she looks.

  “I’ve already called Harry. He’s on his way,” Eli says with his eyes still closed.

  “That’s great, just what I need.” I run my fingers through his hair. Harry hates me.

  “I didn’t do it for you, I called him because she needs him right now. “ Eli turns to face me. “I’m going to talk to her.”

  I grab Eli by the arm. “You can’t go in there.” I look to Mark for help.

  Eli is struggling to maintain his patience; hangover or not, I can see I’m pushing his limits. “Get your hands off of me.” He flashes me a threatening look.

  Fuck him and his stare of death. I’m not letting him go in there. “Mark said no one can see her, cops and lawyers only.”

  Eli shakes my arm loose. Turning to me, he presses his finger into my chest like he’s the big man. “I’m an assistant district attorney, asshole.” He turns back toward the door and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “You know, it’s pretty sick, Aiden. You would rather have her in there alone than be comforted by me.” With that he opens the door and walks in.

  It’s not about comforting her, it’s about causing her more pain. I know how upset she gets when Eli falls off the wagon. I know her; she’s going to worry more about him than she is about herself. He’s the one being selfish.

  Marks stands next to me, looking in. “You two used to be so tight. What happened, man?”

  “I don’t know, Mark; I guess he got tired of always being number two.” I say, expelling a sad breath.

  Chapter Seven

  Honey & Heineken


  The door opens, revealing a frazzled Eli. I’m so relieved to see him, even if he is the one who’s going to hang me out to dry at the trial. I jump up from the chair, immediately seeking solace in his warm embrace. I shiver into him like his hold will make this all disappear. “Eli, what the hell is going on?”

  “Shay, you’re freezing.” Eli seems to be avoiding the question. He takes his suit jacket off and hangs it around my shoulders. I inhale deeply. It smells like him, honey and Heineken. He’s so tall his jacket is like a dress on me. Anything to cover these ridiculous Goodwill-reject pajamas I’m wearing.

  “Oh Eli, you’ve been drinking.” It comes out more disappointed than scolding. I hang my head, then press into him. His heart is pounding rapidly against his chest.

  “Shay, I don’t have a lot of time. I shouldn’t even be in here.” He turns, looking over his shoulder at the mirror. He’s nervous about whoever’s watching us on the other side. “I called your dad, he’s on the way.”

  “Thank you. If you can’t straighten this out, I know he’ll be able to.” I say with confidence. I know this is a complete regression for a twenty-two year-old woman, but knowing Daddy’s on the way is the greatest comfort of all. The one true superhero in a girl’s life.

  Eli grips my shoulders firmly and leans down to meet my eyes. “Listen to me, this is very important. Do what I say and I’ll be driving you home in under an hour. Don’t say ANYTHING, don’t tell them your name, don’t tell them what you had for dinner, do NOT say a word.” His eyes are as serious as a heart attack.

  His hold on my shoulders is getting too tight and starting to hurt. I wiggle free from him.

  “Shouldn’t be a problem, I really don’t have a lot to say. Won’t it be better if I just cooperate?” I feel so much better with him in the room. I know Eli will stop this madness.

  “NO, say nothing. Glass is going to try to twist your words, confuse you, and before you know it you will seem guilty of something I know you didn’t do.” Eli says it so emphatically that his eyes assume a wild quality.

  “Eli, I don’t even really know what they think I did. I’m already confused.” My words clearly frustrate him. He lets out a huff and runs his fingers through his black hair like he’s trying to clean the panic from them.

  “Shay, they think you murdered Gary and Alice,” he says plainly, pulling me into him again.
  “No!” I pull away to look at his expression, finding truth in it. The gravity of them being gone won’t sink in. Still, the thought of a murderer that close to my house is enough to frighten me. Shivers run through me, threatening at hysteria. My eyes become heavy with tears.

  “Eli, I love Alice. She’s the sweetest lady on the planet. She’s really been there for me since Mom died. Gary is an asshole but I still didn’t want him dead.” Eli can’t possibly believe I would have anything to do with this.

  “Shay, statements like that will get you locked up.” Eli’s frustration is growing. He knows I probably won’t listen to him. He also knows I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.

  “Why would they think I would do that?” I’m starting to realize there is some reason they must think I’m involved with the murder. Maybe I left something there yesterday when I was visiting.

  “Because when Simmons got to your house…” Eli pauses for a moment as though he’s searching for the right words. “Apparently your comic panels depict the entire murder scene.”

  I am speechless. I look at him incredulously. Is he serious? “Eli, that’s not possible.” I search my mind like the answers to my problems are in there. “It’s just a comic, not a pictorial of my neighbors’ demise.” I wait for him to show some understanding. I’m sure he’ll realize that this is all some sort of mistake.

  “Shay, your comic panels contain images from the crime scene that you would have to have been there to see.” He pleads with me, “We will talk later, but you say NOTHING when–” Eli is cut off by a tap on the window. “I’ve got to go; say nothing.” He leans down and brushes his lips lightly on my cheek and breathes into my ear, “I’m going to make this all okay.”

  With these parting words, he knocks on the door. Before walking out he mouths, “I love you.”

  I can hear him on the other side of the glass, low and rumbling. I want to get closer to the sound of his voice. I go to the mirror and lean my hand on it. It warms slightly from the other side. A sad smile spreads across my face. I look up to where Eli’s eyes would be on the other side. The glass goes cold under my hand.