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INK: Fine Lines (Book 1) Page 11

  Vanessa makes a hissing sound as she clears the doorway, watching me stare at her through the glass while she walks down the hall.

  Aiden sits, visibly wondering if Vanessa is a man or a woman.

  Trish comes in. “Here is your reservation for a decent hotel. You’re staying at the Marriott Waterfront Suites on the Harbor. It’s right around the corner from the convention center.” She leans out the door, looking down the hallway. “I hate that bitch. I don’t know why she’s always had it in for you.” Trish sits in the chair next to Aiden.

  “I think I have an idea, but I don’t actually care. Someone should teach her some manners.” I open my laptop to check my email.

  “I already called Eli about the cover. He gave me some bullshit story about not working on the case but that he’d forward the info to your attorney and he would work on getting an injunction so Raphael can’t print it.” Trish leans forward in her chair. “I wouldn’t hang around; it’s been nuts. Raphael has actually let some of the reporters in here, showing off the cover and letting them take pictures of your office.”

  Running my hands through my hair, I sit back down. “This is so screwed up. He can’t print that cover. Is he trying to bury me? Doesn’t he realize that they won’t let me produce comics from prison?”

  “He’s an asshole, Shay. He’s probably salivating over the gold mine he’s sitting on if you go to the electric chair.” I see the regret on Trish’s face as the words fall out of her mouth.

  Aiden looks at her, bewildered, and shakes his head. “Nice, Trish.”

  “I’m so sorry, Shay.” Trish rarely apologizes for her lack of ‘think before speak,’ but today it’s different. “Get out of here as soon as you can, and watch yourself. We’ve gotten some scary phone calls.”

  “What do you mean, scary phone calls?” Aiden perks up for the answer.

  “Like death threats and shit.” She says directly to Aiden then turns to me. “People really think you did it and now they think you did it to publicize the comic.” Her eyes grow wider with each word.

  “This is such a freaking nightmare.” I shake my head, closing my eyes.

  “Well that settles it. You are on twenty-four seven watch. You go nowhere without me.” Aiden says it like I have no choice in the matter. Of course I don’t, but at least he could let me think I did.

  “It looks like I’m going to be stuck in-state awhile. Who’s handling the tour?” I ask, praying it’s not Vanessa.

  “Shelly is doing the publicity. Do you want me to talk to her?” Trish offers.

  “No, I just need to make sure she doesn’t book anything outside of the state. They’re afraid it will look bad.” I roll my eyes. “Is she in today?”

  “Yeah, she’s had Raphael up her ass all day.” Trish says, standing up.

  “Thanks Trish. Aiden, I’ll be a few minutes, I’m going to talk to Shelly. If you want to pack up my art supplies and a Bristol pad we can leave when I’m done.” I put my art bag on the drafting table behind my desk and start down the hallway.



  Shit, Trish is hanging back waiting for Shay to be out of earshot, I’m sure so she can dish out a heapin’ helpin’ of verbal abuse. I’m trying to be nice but she makes it so hard. Once Shay turns the corner she starts. “Aiden, I’m really worried about her. She hasn’t been herself for a while. Don’t go pulling your Aiden bullshit.”

  My history doesn’t help anyone’s perception of me, least of all Trish. I wish I could convince her and Shay that I’m not going to bail on her this time. “Trish–”

  “No, it’s not up for discussion. Just be good to her.” She turns to leave and stops without turning around to face me. “Aiden,” she pauses, considering her words. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  I’m completely taken aback and feel like maybe we’re bridging a gap. “I am too.”

  Trish continues out the door. “That doesn’t mean that I don’t think you are an asshole and that she can do better.”

  So much for peace. The sad thing is, I know Shay can do better.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Settling In


  When we arrive at the hotel I scope the scene for reporters. I’m pretty sure we’re in the clear. We’re registered under Aiden’s name, hoping to throw the dogs off the scent. Aiden of course would never use valet parking. He parks the truck near the elevator on the parking deck. I reach for my backpack and Aiden stops me. “I’ll come back down and get the bags, just get what you need for right now.”

  I’m feeling restless after a three-hour silent car ride across the state. Aiden’s never been so quiet. I used to think he feared it, as though the silence would reveal all of his secrets. There is definitely something different about him. Maybe there’s something different about me? He’s never been gone as long as he was this time. Usually when he takes off it’s only for a few months. Before this little jaunt, nine months was the longest he had stayed away. This time he was gone for well over a year.

  Where does he go when he’s gone? What does he do? I used to obsess over those questions. I would wonder how many other women held him, were tender to him, when it should have been me holding him. I always felt so alone and helpless not being able to call him or talk with him. He was always adamant that he was never with anyone else, and I always wanted to believe him.

  I fully expect that one day he’ll be gone forever and I’ll never see him again. Of course you never really know when the last time you’ll see someone is, but with Aiden every goodbye could be the last.

  We walk through the glass doors to the grand lobby and approach the desk. “Reservation for Aiden Roth.”

  “Good Afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Roth. I see you will be with us for three nights.” He studies the computer screen in front of him. “I have you in the luxury suite with a harbor view. I can have the bellman bring your bags up.” He looks up as he slides the key cards across the desk, and his eyes narrow in on me with that ‘where do I know you from’ look.

  Aiden quickly grabs the keycards. “No, I can get our luggage, thanks.” He turns around, blocking the line of sight from the clerk. “Honey, why don’t you head on up and I’ll get our stuff.” He leans down for what I thought would be a kiss; instead he whispers in my ear, “Go immediately up to the room, I think the guy has made you.”

  I play the role of the dutiful wife, turning to walk away, and Aiden pats my ass. “Love you.” Then he turns to the clerk and says in a stage whisper, “Hey, we’re on our honeymoon. See that we aren’t disturbed.” I glance back as he slides a hundred dollar bill across the desk.

  I look at Aiden for a moment with disdain for his little display of affection. It’s too bad money can’t buy class. I head straight for the elevator and get in when it opens. As the doors are closing, a man comes barreling across the lobby. He’s wearing white linen pants, a matching shirt, and silly hat with a black band. “Hold the elevator!”

  Ordinarily I would have automatically held the elevator, but right now I know that Aiden would disapprove. I decide to press the button anyway and let the man in.

  “Thanks so much,” he says, out of breath and with the hint of a British accent.

  I smile. “No problem.” I hate elevator rides with strangers. Why do I always hold the damn elevator? I’m looking straight ahead, but I can feel him staring at me. I have to resist the urge to whistle.

  “Are you here on vacation?” Great, he wants to make small talk. I wish this elevator would go faster; Trish, did you have to book us on the 26th floor?

  “Oh, yes, my honeymoon apparently.” Apparently? Really, Shay?

  “Ah, well then, congratulations.” The elevator slows to a stop and dings, thank God.

  “Thanks,” I smile. Hurry up and get out already.

  “Best of luck then. Maybe I’ll see you around the hotel,” he says, stepping out of the elevator before turning completely around to face me. He peers into my eyes and glares while the doors clos
e to separate us. That was really creepy; did I imagine it?

  The elevator continues up to the 26th floor and opens up to a quiet hall. Our room is at the end, an expansive suite complete with private balconies. “Thank you very much, Trish,” I say out loud like she can hear me. Better yet, I’ll send a quick text.

  Nice room, R is going to shit when he sees the bill ~S

  Let him, I’m glad you like it. Try to relax. There are TWO bedrooms in that suite, see to it that you use them. ~T

  I can’t resist the urge to mess with Trish.

  Of course, when in a hotel you screw in one bed and sleep in the other. I’ll put them both to good use:) ~S

  Shut up Shay – Don’t fuck him ~T

  I move into the bedroom and see the big comfy bed with the fancy duvet and lay back on it. My phone buzzes, another text:

  Plane just landed, meet @ 7 in Ybor, same place. ~M

  No can do, I have company and no wheels. ~S

  Where are you? I’ll come get you. ~M

  Marriot Waterside, not sure if I can ditch my babysitter. ~S

  KK let me know. ~M

  My eyes start to feel heavy. Time for a power nap while I wait for Aiden.



  Jesus, that guy asks a lot of questions. Heading for the garage, I call Eli. I hate checking in with him, but I need to keep him and Harry apprised as to where we are and how things are going. If I have my way things will be going very well for the next hour or two.

  “Hey, it’s Aiden. We’re at the hotel. Is there anything new?”

  “Nothing new, other than we can’t get the injunction against the cover.” Eli sounds a bit shaken. Fuck, I hope he can lay off the booze long enough to focus on this.

  “Shit, that is not good. That guy is a total scumbag. Why the hell did you let her go to work for him?” I would not have let something like that happen.

  “Aiden, let’s try and focus on what's happening now.” Eli is trying not to seem condescending, but I still hear it in his voice. “Keep her close. Don’t let her leave the room by herself. There are some serious threats coming in, and I’m worried.”

  “She’s safe with me. I just want to get this thing over with. We’ve got the signing tomorrow and the party the next night, and then we’re on the way home.” I recite the itinerary, pausing for a moment. “Hey, what the hell happened with that Jorge guy?”

  Eli expels a sigh. “That was rough. He was really into her work. He commissioned a few pieces from her. They used to take lunch together. He had a wife and two kids. She really seemed to start liking the idea of having a family. She would come home talking about settling down…” Eli trailed off.

  I need to snap him back to the present—settling down with Shay isn’t in his future if I have anything to say about it. “Does anyone know why he lost it?”

  “No, he seemed liked he had everything in life you could ever want. A great job, beautiful wife, great kids; then one day he just went crazy. It really hit Shay hard, she was still dealing with what happened with Elise and her mom was so sick. It really broke her.” Eli’s tone is heavy with the memory. “I couldn’t reach her, and the nightmares and sleepwalking got really bad.”

  “What did you do?” I know what I would have done. I would have figured out a way to make it better, not break up with her like a douchebag.

  “What could I do? She stopped talking about it when I suggested she see a grief counselor. She acted like I was calling her crazy.” Eli starts to relive the emotion of that time with her. “It was really rough.”

  “Well, it seems like it’s about to get rougher.” I hate that I missed so much, I hate that I really did let her down by being gone again. Who’s the douchebag now?

  “Where are you guys staying?”

  Opening the back door to the truck, I nearly drop my phone so it comes out urgent. “The Marriott.”

  “Which one?” Eli sounds sad.

  “On the harbor, why?” What the fuck does he care?

  “Harry wants to know.” Eli just lied to me. He’s probably planning to come and crash; make sure we both behave.

  “Tell Harry she’s safe with me. I think she wants to go to Ybor tonight. I know how much she loves it there. It’ll be good for her to let loose a little.” He needs to know I have this under control. He can just stay over there, away from us and out of my way.

  “No, you need to stay in. She needs to keep a low profile right now. She shouldn’t be out partying.” Eli reprimands.

  “Okay, well I guess we’ll have to come up with something to occupy our time in the hotel room.” I can’t help myself; I have to goad him.

  “Yeah, I really don’t think this is a good time to be confusing her with false emotions.” Eli comes across just like an attorney, stating the unemotional facts. How the fuck does he know how I feel?

  “I gotta run, I’m getting our luggage and need both hands.” I start putting bags on the cart. “Hey, since your house is going to be clear tonight I hope you have fun with Sparkles.” How’s that for false emotions?

  “Yeah, well Jerry may be having fun with her tonight. I wouldn’t touch her with your dick.” With that Eli hangs up the phone.

  Oh shit, he’s taking the rap for Jerry’s whore? That sucks for him. Pulling the other Blood-Borne backpack out the truck, I look at it. I know what I have to do. Eli’s not the only one that’s going to be keeping her out of jail. The difference is I don’t need credit for this.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  A Day at the Beach


  The sun feels warm on my face, it’s comforting and soft. The smell of the salty ocean air lets me know I’m at the beach. I close my eyes to bask in the peace of it all. The gentle breeze glides across my face as though it were cradling me and pulling all of my worry away.

  “Hello beautiful.” A deep voice rumbles from behind. I turn around to see Gabriel. I’m instantly put at ease. He sits next to me in the sand.

  “Gabriel!” I lean over to wrap my arms around him. He winces from pain. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine, just a little sore.” He rubs the back of his neck then brings his arm down behind me. “It’s okay though. I’m here with you, so I’m feeling better already.”

  The events of our last time together come flooding back to me. “Gabriel, I’m so sorry I left you last time. I was so worried. I didn’t mean to run out on you.”

  Gabriel shakes his head. “No worries, love. I wanted you to get out of there.”

  “But I just left you, I left you for dead. He could have...” I shudder at the thought of Gabriel being hung by his ankles.

  “I’m okay. That’s what matters. I wanted you to be safe.” He puts his hand under my chin, gently tilting my head up. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, a little shaken still. I’m better now that I know you’re okay.” I don’t know whether I should mention everything that’s happening in the real world. I really just want to enjoy my time here. It isn’t like there’s something he can really do. He is, after all, just a very delicious figment of my imagination. Those I’m-so-bad-for-you gray eyes that own me when I’m with him and melt me at the thought of him.

  “Hmm, interesting.” He turns to look at me. His gaze smooths me over me in a way that washes away the prickly day. A smile spreads across his lips. His hand caresses my cheek, then strokes my hair back out of my face. “So beautiful, so deep.”

  “Deep?” I look at him, puzzled. I know better than to question the beautiful bit. I don’t believe it for a second, but I’m not looking for an argument.

  “Yes, deep. There is so much in that soul of yours. I want to know all of it. I want to bathe in who you are. Know you more intimately than anyone ever could. I want to paint your portrait a thousand times, tell your story like no other.” His hand rests on the back of my neck, drawing me in for a long, passionate kiss. I lean back with him in the sand, feeling safe and wanted. I let his lips consume me to the point where I can�
��t hear the ocean, I can’t feel the wind on my skin—only his hands moving up my thigh to my belly. I’m helpless under his weight, I can only let him drink me in and reciprocate with tender kisses.

  Gabriel’s hand finds its way under my shirt, his hands soft on my breast gently holding me, loving me. He pushes his knee between my legs, spreading them apart. He whispers in my ear, needy, “I want you. I want to feel you take me in.”

  A moan rumbles from deep within me. Usually stolen kisses and innocent strolls on the boardwalk are all my mind will allow. There’s never this kind of passion. His eyes say he wants more, but something in me has never been willing to let go like this. I part my thighs as an invitation.

  He leans back to take all of me in; there is a hint of surprise. “You want this?” His whisper is desperate for me to say yes.

  I answer by wrapping my legs around his back and pulling him close, begging for him with my body. My fingers lock behind his neck, and I pull him to my lips, pushing my tongue into his mouth, darting and playing with his. The bulge in his jeans is dancing up against me, reacting to the warmth of our bodies pressed together.

  He pulls back from me with a blank expression. His eyes close, seemingly in defeat. “Soon, my love,” he whispers.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The Great Sacrifice


  I’m startled awake by the sound of a heavy door slamming. I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to recapture the dream to see where it might go.

  “Shay?” Aiden calls from the other room.

  My body protests being pulled from slumber. “In here.”

  Loaded down with suitcases, Aiden comes in the room. When he sees me a smile immediately rises to his lips. “Headlights are on. I didn’t realize it was that cold in here.”

  “Nice, Aiden.” I cross my arms over my chest. This is more like the Aiden I know; remember to be careful what you wish for.

  He lies back on the bed next to me, looking at me expectantly. “You doin’ okay?”